У словнику зібрано модифіковані стійкі сполучення слів, утворені
на базі традиційних прислів’їв та приказок, афоризмів, фразеологізмів.
Матеріал ексцерповано з публіцистичного та побутового мовлення.
Словник розрахований на науковців, студентів, учителів, школярів.ANNOTATION
EXPRESSIONS IN USAGE in the end of the XX and the
beginning of the XXI century (Luhansk, 2013)
The modified expressions, proverbs, idioms, aphorisms
which were used in the press and spoken language in the eastern
Ukraine in the end of the XX and the beginning of the XXI century
are given in the Dictionary. The famous Ukrainian journalists,
satirists are the authors of the modified expressions. Olexandr
Perlyuk (literary man, journalist from Kirovogradshchina, famous as
the author of the humorous form “perlyukism”), Florian Bondar
(Ukrainian humorist, satirist, laureate of the plenty of literary
contests) are among them. Aphorisms by Florian Bondar have been
included in the book “Ukrainian aphoristics of the X – XX
centuries”. The author calls these works “eiflorisms”. Yuriy
Ribnikov (the modern Ukrainian literary man – poet, prosaist and
humorist) is the most famous in Bukovina. Leonid Kulish-Zinkiv
(Ukrainian poet-satirist, humorist from Rivnenshchina, elocutionist).
Mykola Levitsky (satirist, humorist. M. Levitsky participated in all-
Ukrainian, all-USSR and regional editions of “Perets”, “Ukraina”,“Literaturna Ukraina”). In general, it is used 193 modified
expressions by authors. These expressions were published in the
press and presented in the Dictionary with the reference to the
Approximately the half of the expressions was taken from
the spoken language that can be proved with the absence of
passportization. They are spread on the larger of lesser area which isnot always well-defined in the Dictionary. If it was noticed even the
single use of the transform it became the ground to include it in the
The made Dictionary of SET expressions in usage in the end
of the XX and the beginning of the XXI century contains 645 vocables
that create the semantic centre of 1375 set expressions which
undergo transformation (in separate cases – variation). Totally there
are 3507 modifiers in the Dictionary which represent the progress
trends of the phraseological structure of Ukrainian language in the
end of the XX and the beginning of the XXI century: replenishment
of the synonymous-variative groups; appearance of the expressions
with the new meaning accordingly to the traditional models;
connotation change (enhancement or actualization of one of the
expressive meaning shades).
Глуховцева, І. Я.
Словник модифікованих стійких сполучень слів в узусі кінця ХХ - початку ХХІ століття / І. Я. Глуховцева ; М-во освіти і науки України, Держ. закл. "Луган. нац. ун-т ім. Тараса Шевченка". – Луганськ : Вид-во ЛНУ ім. Тараса Шевченка, 2013. – 328 с.