У збірці статей відомого українського діалектолога, історика
української мови Бориса Антоновича Шарпила подано праці, які
стали вже бібліографічною рідкістю. У них порушено питання
функціонування українських говірок на теренах України, спільні та
відмінні риси виділюваних у наш час ареалів, визначено специфіку
східнослобожанського континууму на тлі говірок південно-східного
наріччя; визначено внесок окремих письменників у формування
нової української літературної мови. Книгу адресовано науковцям,
студентам, учителям.Annotation
A comparative-historical analysis of phonetic and
morphological features of the eastern Slobozhanshina dialects is
represented in the collected articles. The author proves that since
the ХVІІ century the dialects of the prevailing mid-Dneprovsky
type with the dialects of Chernigovshina and the elements of the
south-western vernacular interacted with each other. In accord
with B.A. Sharpilo the last ones got into Starobelshina through
the unsettled and new-settled territories, first of all, through the
south-eastern Poltavshina and Kharkovshina. In the process of
the interdialectal interactions the south-eastern, Poltavsko-
Cherkasky in its basis dialectal type completely prevailed. At the
same time the relicts of the disappeared dialectal systems were
saved in the following phenomena: 1) conservation of the
elements from other dialects in different words due to the
favourable phonetic inner conditions and the etymological
opacity of the row of words which allow to apprehend the
corresponding relicts not as the system phenomena but as the
elements of the phonematic composition of the different words
(akanye in the words matuzka, chobaty etc.), non-etymological u
– zbuiky, initial ye yermarok and similar relicts of the northukrainian
sound system; the features of the strong ukanye –
tupor, tabor etc.); 2) remnants of some elements of the
disappeared systems, first of all the row of phenomena of the
south-western origin which preserved in the western group of
dialects which have colonizational connections with the southeastern
Poltavshina and Kharkovshina.
In the process of the dialects’ development the row of the
specific for Slobozhanshina phenomena appeared in their
system: a) featurelessness of the parallelisms of the different
dialectal origin (forms of infinitive –ti and –t' etc.); b) the
overcoming of the row which is conditioned by the ancient
relations of one-type sound combinations and forms; c) the wide
spread occurrence of the new phenomena which appeared due to
the hyperic repulsion from the auxiliary speech type (e.g.:
ogronom, otyoug; puzhar; oroh etc.).In the process of interaction with Russian dialects the
Ukrainian eastern-Slobozhansky dialects underwent considerable
changes in lexis but saved the basic elements of the sound and
grammatical system. The elements of akanye, the pronunciation
of y, dispalatalization ts can be revealed only in the
insignificant part of the dialects in villages where the people’s
relation to the language was heterogeneous from the time
Шарпило, Б. А.
Вибрані праці : зб. пр. / Б. А. Шарпило ; М-во освіти і науки, молоді та спорту України, Держ. закл. "Луган. нац. ун-т ім. Тараса Шевченка". – Луганськ : Вид-во ЛНУ ім. Тараса Шевченка, 2013. – 152 с.