У монографії розглянуто дієслівні форми, ужиті в „Актових
книгах полтавського городового уряду”, співвіднесено їх з тими, що
функціонують у сучасній українській літературній мові та в говірках;
зроблено висновки про місце уснорозмовних дієслівних форм у
пам’ятках ХVІ – ХVІІ століття. Книгу адресовано науковцям-
історикам мови, діалектологам, граматистам.In the book, on the basis of analysis of the verbal forms on the
background of the common language characteristics of “Registers of
Poltava municipal government” it was ascertained that the
considerable features of the oral spoken language of Poltavshina
ХVІІ century were reflected in the literary monument. They coincide
with the modern peculiarities of poltavsko-kievsky dialect in the main
In the XVII century poltavsko-kievsky dialect had the system of
verbal forms which became a part of the grammatical system of
Ukrainian national language except some archaisms and the narrow
Data from “Registers” prove with facts the historical identity of
poltavsko-kievsky dialect which had in the XVII century the system of
the unique features of the grammatical system that differentiated it from
other dialects of Ukrainian language. At the same time in the language
of the literary monument the process of establishment of the modern
system of verbal forms is reflected, namely: a) the strengthening of
verbal forms which correspond to the established in basic features
grammatical system of poltavsko-kievsky dialect (voice, aspect, tense,
mood, person); b) highlighting the peculiarities of those dialects which
corresponded to the regularities of formation of Ukrainian national
language (forms like hodit’, proshu, mozhe in contrast to narrowdialected
Poltava ones hode, prosyu, mozhet’) c) disappearance of
archaic features which preserved in other dialects (forms with separate
sya, “deformed” forms of perfect, uncontracted forms of participles
etc.). Data about phonetics and morphology of the name forms of the
literary monument given in the first part of the monograph also prove
the existence in the spoken language the plenty of formed features of
poltavsko-kievsky dialect in the end of the XVII century.
“Registers of Poltava municipal government” and other
documents of business written language of the XVII century are the
valuable source for the historical dialectical research of formation ways
of Ukrainian national language and give the rich facts for the research of
its correlations.
Маштабей, О. М.
"Актові книги полтавського городового уряду" як джерело для історичного вивчення полтавсько-київського діалекту (дієслівні форми) : монографія / О. М. Маштабей ; М-во освіти і науки, молоді та спорту України, Держ. закл. "Луган. нац. ун-т ім. Тараса Шевченка". – Луганськ : Вид-во ЛНУ ім. Тараса Шевченка, 2013. – 244 с.