The methodological recommendations to Grammar Theory of Modern English consist of 3 parts: 1. Introduction. 2. Module test 1 – Morphology and 3. Module test 2 – Syntax. The main purpose of the course is to develop linguistic thinking in students, scientific understanding of grammar and lexical categories in Modern English. A particular attention is paid to the problematic issues on grammar theory at the modern stage of the development of linguistics, the issues on system nature of language, dialect unities of form and content of all grammar phenomena, functional and semantic connections between units of different levels. These issues are discussed using systematic comparison with the Ukrainian language. The methodological recommendations are designed for students in philological specialities in higher educational establishments.
Бурдіна, С. В. Theoretical Grammar = Теоретична граматика. Метод. рек. для студ. вищ. навч. закл. : Methodic Guides for Students of Higher Education Institutions / С. В. Бурдіна. – Луганськ : Вид-во ЛНУ ім. Тараса Шевченка, 2013. – 90 с.