The author examines the history of the formation and the genesis of the
Uighur Khanate of 8-9 centuries, Jewish-Khazar Khaganate of 9-10 centuries. and
modern Ukraine. The methodological basis of the analysis is the theory of
ethnogenesis of L.N. Gumilyov, in particular instrumental and methodical use of
categorical and conceptual apparatus of the above-mentioned theory. The most
significant events in the history of the three states and the factors affecting them
are analyzed. A comparative analysis of the geographical location, economic
subsystem, the socio-political system and the most important elements of the
spiritual and ideological life of the Uighur khanate, Jewish-Khazar khaganate and modern Ukraine is done. The problem situations arising in the contact zone of two
or more superethnoses (civilizations) is analyzed. It was concluded that the
analyzed states are chimeric anti-systems, in the political elite is a part (residents)
of another civilization, and that the substitution of the pseudo positive values leads
to destructive conflicts and the disappearing of natural sociobiocenosis.