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Результаты 48 по 67 из 5738 < назад   дальше >
Дата публикацииНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2015-12-02Feature special training funds primary school children during employment sumo.Lozhechka, M.
2021-11-22Features of the adaptive response of the blood system of boars of Poltava meaty breed of various genotypes in conditions of negative metabolic manifestations. – 2021.Garskaya, N. A.; Garanovich, I. I.; Bykadorov, P. P.; Kaplun, S. V.; Tresnitskiy, S. N.
2013-06-30“Finance and Business across cultures”: Manual for Studying the Course “English for Specific Purposes” for Students of the Speciality “Finance”. - 2012.Osadcha, T. Yu.
2016-12-13Finansе and Business across cultures. - 2012.Осадча, Т. Ю.
2020-12-25Forming of anticrisis management-marketing mechanism in strategic development of enterprise safety. – 2014.Miroshnichenko, P.; Kudelya, L.; Alalmi, K.; Navaflekh, A.
2013-10-30Forming of pop singers’ spiritual culture with the means of stage image of music piece.Starovoytova, O.
2016-12-13Funny grammar : навч.-метод. посіб. для студ. вищ. навч. закл. - 2012.Коган, Ю. М.; Котлярова, О. О.; Разорьонова, М. В.
2013-10-08Gender and other aspects of the adaptation of the turkish students at the universities si of Ukraine (by means of an the example of National University named after Volodymyr Dahl).Krupenina, N. A.; Tihonova, M. I.
2012-03-30Genre Aspect of Building up Pupils' Communicative Competence.Horoshkina, O. M.
2013-04-04Graphic presentation of results of calculations by cflculable complex "MIRELA +".Kozub, Y. G.; Kozub, G. A.
2012-03-30Higher Educational Establishment Development Strategy and its Human Resources from the Perspective of Organizational Culture.Smolins'ka, O. Ye.
2016-12-20History in English : Manual for Studying the Course “English for Specific Purposes” for the First and Second-Year Students of the Institute of History, International Relations and Social-Political Sciences. 2014.Nekrutenko, O. B.
2016-12-13History in English : Manual for Studying the Course “English for Specific Purposes” for the First and Second-Year Students of the Specialities “History”, “Country Studies”, “International Relations”. - 2012.Nekrutenko, O. B.
2013-10-24Implication of the Fact that a Significant Number of Ukraine's Population do not Consider Themselves Ukrainian Either in the National or Civic Sense.Shopin, P. Yu.
2013-10-24Incorporating World Problems into English Language Teaching.Fedicheva, N. V.
2013-08-27Influence of agrarian policy on development of farming businesses in Ukraine.Gaydamaka, O. M.; Lebid, V. M.; Lebed, N. V.
2021-11-11Influences of the Three-Body Interaction and the Deformation of Electron Shells of Atoms оп Phonons Energy of Compressed Rare-Gas Crystals. – 2020.Gorbenko, Ie. Ie.; Troitskaya, E. P.; Pilipenko, E. A.; Verbenko, I. A.; Glazunova, E. V.
2015-12-23Internal firm institutions of opportunistic behavior.Kondratieva, T. V.
2021-11-09Internet Slang as the Main Language of Virtual Communication. – 2020.Ткачева, Е. А.
2016-01-13Interpersonal Communication and Cultural Environment.Bunina, L. N.