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Название: Remains of Sea Turtles from the Ikovo Locality (Lugansk Region, Ukraine; Middle Eocene).
Авторы: Zvonok, E. A.
Danilov, I. G.
Syromyatnikova, E. V.
Udovichenko, N. I.
Ключевые слова: Argillochelys
Puppigerus nessovi
sea turtles
Eastern Europe
Дата публикации: 25-янв-2016
Краткий осмотр (реферат): Fragmentary remains of sea turtles (Cheloniidae sensu lato: Argillochelys sp., Puppigerus nessovi Averianov, 2005, and Cheloniidae gen. indet.) from the Ikovo locality (Lugansk Region, Ukraine; Lower Lutetian, Middle Eocene) are described. The genera Argillochelys and Puppigerus are recorded for the first time in Eastern Europe. The turtle assemblage from Ikovo is similar at the generic level to West European assemblages (Belgium, Great Britain) of approximately the same age (Lower–Middle Eocene). In the presence of P. nessovi, the Ikovo assemblage is similar to that from the Middle Eocene Dzheroi 2 locality (Uzbekistan).
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): http://dspace.ltsu.org//handle/123456789/1898
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