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dc.contributor.authorДрагнев, Ю. В.-
dc.description.abstractDragnev Yu. V. The overall objectives of e-learning and information training in a graduate physical education are: deepening of theoretical knowledge about the basic concepts and methods of Informatics as a sci-entific discipline in the University; study and development of principles and methods of storing, processing and transmitting information through the use of computer hardware and software; development of methods of work with information technologies and augmented reality technologies; the development of methods for application of information technology in professional activities in secondary school..ru
dc.subjectawareness trainingru
dc.subjectfuture teachers of physical cultureru
dc.subjecte-learning universityru
dc.titleОсобенности информационной подготовки будущих учителей физической культуры через организацию электронного обучения в университете. – 2018.ru
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