Блок профессиональных дисциплин подготовки студентов по профилю «Музыкальное
образование» включает курс «Изучение педагогического репертуара». Цель освоения
дисциплины − подготовка студента к работе в школе через формирование программного
репертуара, овладение современными методами вокальной работы с детьми. = The main task of professional preparation of music master at high school is development of
his creative potential. Essence of activity of music master consists in a creative orientation, which
realized on condition of formed of creative qualities. Under creative potential of personality of music
master general culture possibilities, which develop in the process of teaching, subsequent activity,
are understood, and conduce to the receipt of productive result in the decision of tasks by the nonstandard
methods of the pedagogical influencing by facilities of musical art, reflecting basis of
general and pedagogical culture of teacher.