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Название: Evaluation of Hereford bulls by the quality of their offspring over various periods of growing their offspring under farm conditions. – 2020.
Авторы: Zelenkov, A.
Zelenkova, G.
Tresnitskii, S.
Bykadorov, P.
Volgina, N.
Medvedev, A.
Ключевые слова: beef cattle breeding
Hereford breed
breeding bulls
bull evaluation
quality of offspring
creation of highly productive herds
Дата публикации: 19-ноя-2021
Краткий осмотр (реферат): The greatest success in improving the breeding and productive qualities of Hereford cattle can be achieved through the use of high-value breeding bulls. The role of producers at the modern stages of beef cattle breeding has increased dramatically, so the evaluation of bulls by the quality of offspring has become an important breeding event to improve and create highly productive herds of beef cattle. At the same time, the use of bulls that are predisposed to various diseases or the deterioration of their offspring can cause irreparable negative consequences for beef cattle breeding. In the course of research work in the conditions of the farm, studies were conducted to assess the quality of bulls-producers of the Hereford breed of cattle. Evaluation of Hereford bulls by the quality of offspring in farm conditions will increase the efficiency of herd reproduction technology in beef cattle breeding, allow rational use of bulls, get a high yield of calves (90-95%), organize the accuracy of accounting for the origin of young animals, increase the level of breeding work to improve the productive, breeding qualities of animals and create highly productive herds of Hereford cattle in a shorter time.
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): https://dspace.lgpu.org//handle/123456789/5453
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